Economic Trends

Welcome to our first Monthly Edition of Economic Trends for 2024! Get ready for a bi-weekly dose of essential information to enhance your understanding of economic trends and empower your investment decisions.

The current economic landscape, characterized by low-wage job creation, a decline in white-collar positions, and reduced 401k contributions, suggests an active role for the Federal Reserve in implementing predicted rate decreases. These measures are anticipated to enhance affordability and stimulate demand. Notably, the Southeastern region of the United States stands out with its robust performance, attributed to favorable weather conditions, tax advantages, and thriving business growth.

Although housing supply remains limited, signs point towards a potential balance in housing creation numbers. On the ground, motivated buyers and sellers from the previous year are making a selective return, presenting immediate business opportunities.

Is this a return to 2022? Perhaps not, but indications suggest a promising year that could surpass the performance of 2023. Dive deeper into economic trends and gain insights for your day-to-day activities as we gather momentum in the new year.

The Resilience of the Economy and the Trajectory of Inflation

Recent data reveals a growing economy coupled with a surprising decline in inflation—a phenomenon skeptics dismissed as "immaculate disinflation." Key sectors such as manufacturing, construction, and oil production are flourishing in the U.S., driven by factors like reshoring, green investments, and federal subsidies.

While consumers may express concerns, their spending habits tell a different story—December witnessed a remarkable 4.8% rise in retail sales. This consumer strength serves as a protective shield against a potential recession.

Notably, jobless claims hit a historic low at 187,000, the second-lowest level since the 1960s (see Graph).

U.S. manufacturing is experiencing a surge, fueled by the repatriation of overseas jobs, green investments, and federal support (see Graph).

Of significance is the reversal of rent inflation to rent deflation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics' "New Tenant Rent Index" indicates a nearly 5% reduction in the cost of renting a new apartment compared to the previous year. As 30% of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is driven by shelter costs, specifically rents, this shift could lead to a significant decrease in CPI as the data catches up. A potential outcome is the Federal Reserve responding with swift and aggressive rate cuts, ultimately bringing down mortgage rates. This presents a compelling case for optimism and warrants close monitoring.

A flourishing economy, a resilient consumer base, and the prospect of falling inflation paving the way for aggressive rate cuts by the Fed create a favorable environment for potential homebuyers in the U.S. Here's to a continued fantastic start to 2024!

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